Unisannio Job Placement

The University of Sannio strengthens its Job Placement service to facilitate entry into the world of work for those who have obtained a degree at Sannio University. At jobplacement.unisannio.it an online management platform was activated with the task of guiding the professional choices of students and recent graduates, encouraging initial contacts with companies and assisting them in finding and selecting students and recent graduates.

The new service was presented on 4 October 2019  at Palazzo San Domenico, by the rector Filippo de Rossi, by professors Lilli Galdi and Antonella Malinconico for the Permanent Commission for the orientation of the university, and by Pasquale Penza the legal representative of Isco Agenzia per il Lavoro.

The UniSannio Job Placement guarantees personalized accompaniment paths to the world of work (with particular attention to the opportunities offered by the Sanniti and regional territory) by matching job demand and offer, individual interviews that can be booked online, support in preparing the curriculum vitae and in the preparation for the job interview, the insertion of the CV in the Unisannio database and the consultation of job announcements of the participating companies.

The service is also open to companies that can register to have access to information and dedicated services and to have assistance in finding personnel.


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