General notices board

Number Origin Description Notice date Expiration date
S20210166 Call for Competition XXXVII cycle - tax code generation for foreign students
S20210164 Rectorate Guarantor of the students prof. Aglaia McClintock
A20210421 Call for Competition XXXVII cycle - Errata corrige admission qualifications Annex A STAS (Science and Technology for the Environment and Health)
A20210420 Final Ranking List - Reopening of the terms of the call for applications for competitive selection-admission to PHD Programme in Information Technologies For Engineering, Cycle XXXVI, scholarship financed by the Department of Engineering
A20210419 Call for applications for competitive selection-admission to PhD Programmes with administrative offices at University of Sannio, cycle XXXVII
S20210152 Reopening of the terms for PhD selection in Person, Market, Institutions - final renking list and notice for registration to the PHD Course
A20210365 Reopening of the terms for PhD competition in Information Technologies for Engineering_lists of candidates admitted
A20210363 Department of Science and Technology (DST) Call for a Programmed Number of Genetic and Molecular Biotechnologies
A20210362 Department of Science and Technology (DST) Call for programmed number of Food Technologies for Confectionery Production
A20210350 Reopening of the terms of the call for application for competitive selection for admission to PhD program in Person, Markets and Institutions, cycle XXXVI