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una ragazza che si allena

Stay fit at the UNISANNIO Campus

Un cruore colorato come logo della nuova edizione di Futuro Remoto

On November 22nd, stop at UNISANNIO

foto del graduation con studentesse in toga

July 19th is the celebration for graduates

foro di laureate unisannio

Satisfied graduates with above-average salaries

foto entrata Laboratorio LINC

A state-of-the-art laboratory for civil engineering

Notices board

Summer Break Closure Notice
In observance of the summer break, the University of Sannio will be closed as follows: - All…
Notice of competition for admission to the PhD courses with administrative office at the University…
Following the provisions of the Rector's Decree dated 8 July 2024,  n. 863, the XL Cycle of PhD…
Student Opinion Survey
The evaluation windows are open for the courses of the 2nd semester of the A.Y. 2023/2024, as part…
ERASMUS interviews for DEMM students
The interviews relating to the Erasmus Studio call, for the academic year 2024/2025, for students…